Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It is not okay to block an employee of a library in the empty parking lot with your car and then honk until they get out so you ask if they're closed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How dare you charge me nothing!!

This is a library. Libraries provide services to a community for free (well, some of you contribute with your taxes but on the whole, it's basically free). My library has a limit of 5 movie checkouts which are good for one week. A woman came in ranting that she was receiving overdue notices which she found irritating. The movies she checked out were a few weeks overdue. I should mention at this point that we do not charge late fees on any of our items. The woman is also upset that she cannot check out more than 5 movies at a time. haven't returned the ones that are overdue which I'm assuming is because you haven't watched them and yet you want to check out more that will no doubt be overdue for a few weeks as well?

5 movies for 1 week for free....libraries are so unreasonable.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is it ever appropriate for a patron to see you outside of the library and comment on your body? What if the patron is 40 years older? Yeah... I didn't think so.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Bathroom Etiquette

The bathroom is a private place. This should go without saying.  The most interaction that should ever occur in a public restroom is asking your neighbor for some toilet paper or other feminine needs and the occasional crying due to a break up or some other personal issue. There should be no speaking whatsoever in the men's room for any reason. No other reasons exist for discussion in the bathroom. Obviously library patrons are not aware of this rule. I just stepped out of the stall and haven't even washed my hands when one of our regulars walks up to me and wraps her arms around me. I probably have urine remnants on my hand and this woman is hugging me. Am I the only one that sees this as inappropriate? Then she asked me how she could pray for me today...well...for starters...

Sunday, December 20, 2009


To an outsider, working in a library appears to be the easiest job in the world. All we do is check books in and out and read all day. Ha....hahaha! Those of you that have endured the library life have my full permission to laugh in the face of people who think this. Not that you need my permission...the laugh will not likely be containable. This blog will be a lovely insight of the daily life of librarians, library technicians and library aids all of whom share the blight of stupid questions, stupid requests, and stupid expectations.